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Derek Madden

Title: Professor - Biology
Department: Science, Mathematics & Engineering
Office: Science Community Center 243
Unit: MJC
Phone: 209-575-6292


Office Hours

  • Tuesday 11:45a.m. - 12:00p.m.
  • Thursday 11:45a.m. - 12:00p.m.


  • English


Our research addresses the question: Why is arthritis rare in wild monkeys?
We examine the possible effects of movement on the stimulation of cartilage. One application of this research is to understand how wide ranging movements (such as done in stretching, yoga, long strides, etc.) may stimulate articular cartilage in joints.


Professional licenses:

Phlebotomy (CPT-!)
Emergency Medical Technician (NREMT)
Advanced Instructor of yoga

Recent Activities:

Speaker: National Aging Society of America (presenting research on movement and arthritis).

Smithsonian institute scientist (research on movement and monkey arthritis).

International Instructor of Biology (CCIE International Education Award).

Dean of Instruction, and Dean of Science, Math, Engineering (former titles)

Major publications:

Rain-forest canopy-connections.... and a small primate. J of Tropical Ecol (Cambridge Univ Press).
Symbiotic ants...defense against giraffe. Oecologia, Springer-Verlag.
Sea turtle nesting... sandy beach ecosystem. Biotropica.
Large African browsers and thorny acacia in Kenya. African J of Ecol.
Naturalist guide to Sierra Foothills..... Heyday press, Berkeley, CA