Apply for a Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Care. Applications will only be accepted by students currently enrolled in the Respiratory Care program during the application period.
Contact the Student Financial Services Office to determine if applying for a degree will effect your financial aid eligibility.. 209.575.7700
Complete the Duplicate Diploma/Certificate Request to request a duplicate.
Complete the Enrollment Verification Request to verify your enrollment status for insurance, loan deferment, child care, and training verification for employment purposes. Please review delivery options and prices prior to submitting.
If you have been notified that you have been placed on financial aid disqualification, you will need to submit an appeal in order to be considered for financial aid.
Complete the Free Transcript Request if you have one or both of your free transcript requests available to you. Contact Enrollment Services at 209.575.6853 or if you are unsure.
Complete the GE/IGETC Certification ONLY if you have been admitted to another institution and they have requested a certification to be completed.
Complete the General Complaint form if you have been unable to have your concern addressed.
Complete the General Student Petition to request an exception to withdraw from a course after the 75% point. Review circumstances and requirements prior to submitting.
Complete the Sex/Gender Harassment, Discrimination, or Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form if this is not an urgent report. Prior to reporting, please review the institutions Board Policy 3430.
Complete the Health Fee Exemption to request exemption from the payment of health fees for health services provided by the Modesto Junior College health fee.
Contact the Enrollment Services office at 209.575.6853 or to learn the process on how to submit the Notice to Deny Disclosure of Directory Information.
Complete the Optional Fee Waiver to request credit for the optional Student Activity Fee and/or Representation Fee.
Complete the Pass / No Pass grading option.
Complete the Personal Information Update to report any changes in their personal information. (Name, birthdate, social security number)
Contact the School of the Prerequisite / Co-requisite you would like to challenge. Example: If you would like to petition the prerequisite for MANAT-130 (Adv Cadaver Dissec & Anat Prep) you would contact the School of Science, Engineering & Mathematics.
Complete the Refund Request to apply for a refund.
Contact Enrollment Services or Student Financial Services to complete a Release of Student Information form. This form must be completed in-person with Photo ID of both the student and parent.
Complete the Residency Consideration Request if you are currently being classified as a "non-California resident" and meet California Residency Requirements.
Complete the Student Grade Correction Petition to have a grade reviewed by the Petition Committee. Review guidelines and requirements prior to submitting.
Complete the Transfer Work Evaluation Request to have course work from another institution reviewed.
Students at least 13 years old planning to attend MJC and high school or junior high concurrently should complete the Special Part-Time Petition for Advanced Admission.