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Priority Registration for Student Parents

A Focus on Student-Parents 

Public post-secondary education for students with dependent children is a growing need in our community. The journey to and through college is challenging for many students, but it is even more challenging for student parents as they juggle academic demands while also raising children. Modesto Junior College recognizes that Student parents may face greater economic barriers than students without children. 

Priority Registration for Student Parents 

Modesto Junior College can now offer level 1 priority registration to our Student Parents. Which means Student Parents will receive an earlier registration appointment once priority registration begins for each term. Please visit the Enrollment Services webpage for more on priority registration and deadline dates.


Frequently Asked Questions


Campus Resources

Basic Needs

The program provides support to the most essential resources required to thrive as a student, which includes access to nutritious food, stable housing, and wellness resources.


The support program provides wraparound services to eligible CalWORKs students. To be eligible, students must be receiving TANF/Cash Aid. The program collaborates with the Stanislaus County Community Services Agency to provide a seamless process and support services including priority registration, counseling, work study opportunities, grants, etc.

Pirates' Pantry

Available to all currently enrolled MJC students. The Pirates' Pantry offers two options for food pick up; Drive-thru or In-Person visits (walk-ins are welcome by availability). Items available: Food, hygiene products, bath and body items, household items and food vouchers.

Free Lunch On Wednesday (FLOW)

The Associated Students of MJC (ASMJC) sponsors Free Lunch On Wednesdays (FLOW) for all currently enrolled students who have paid the student activity fee. Food Services meal tickets are distributed on a first come, first serve basis on both campuses at times listed. Student must show their Student ID to receive a meal ticket.

Health Services

Assists students with health-related concerns including: first-aid, illness prevention and wellness information, over-the-counter medications, pregnancy screenings, vaccines, blood pressure checks, mental health referrals, sexual health referrals, hemoglobin and glucose screenings, vision/color perception screenings, crisis Intervention (if it is an emergency, call 9-1-1 or the crisis phone/text line) and more.

Mental Health Therapy Appointments

1-on-1, one-hour appointments with mental health providers. Students are eligible for up to 6 sessions per semester. Call Health Services to schedule: (209) 575-6038 or (209) 575-6281 


Offers free mental health support from a mobile device or computer. TalkNow is available 24/7 and unlimited. You can also schedule up to 12 free counseling visits with a licensed provider.  

Lactation Rooms

Clean, private & safe lactation rooms for mothers to nurse, or pump milk while on campus. Each room contains a comfortable chair, table, sink, and electrical outlets for use.

Bus Pass

MJC is now providing a New Mobile Student ID for all currently enrolled students! Download the TouchNet 360u app and carry your student ID at your fingertips! This new mobile student ID is your Bus Pass. You no longer need a bus pass sticker. Just show your mobile student ID to the bus driver and ride the bus for free! 

Get the App for Android Devices  Get the App for Apple Devices


Community Resources