Are you an English learner student who wants to become a nurse assistant?
The MJC CAEP-funded English Learner Pathway to Nurse Assistant provides English learners
with English language support to help them succeed in the MJC Nurse Assistant program
and the clinical workplace. The program consists of a required informational meeting
orientation and screening process, English language courses specific to the nurse
assistant profession, and the Nurse 52 and Nursing Skills 800 courses. Attendance
in all courses and clinical experience is required.
The MJC CAEP-funded English Learner Pathway to Nurse Assistant provides English learners
with English language support to help them succeed in the MJC Nurse Assistant program
and the clinical workplace. The program consists of a required informational meeting
orientation and screening process, English language courses specific to the nurse
assistant profession, and the Nurse 52 and Nursing Skills 800 courses. Attendance
in all courses and clinical experience is required.
Program Requirements and Screening Process Reminders
- Must be 18 years old or older to apply.
- Have computer and internet access.
- Be an English learner at the ELIC 20 (GSE Level B1) level or above.
- Complete a language proficiency assessment in person at the English Language Learner
Welcome Center, MJC West Campus, John Muir 152. See contact information below.
- Complete an application and submit your college or school transcripts.
- Attend one informational meeting.
- Attend an orientation meeting before taking Nurse 52 (November 2025).
- Complete a program screening interview (Spring Semester 2025).
- Provide proof of immunization and health clearance prior to starting clinical practicum
(e.g. physical, health history, flu vaccination, clear TB skin test, current COVID-19
vaccine status unless exempted (Fall 2025).
- Commit to attending all courses (Fall 2025-Spring 2026).
- Note: an ITIN/Social Security number and fingerprinting are required by State certification/licensure
Program Timeline and Information
Spring 2025
Step #1
Complete a language proficiency assessment in the English Language Learner Welcome
Center in John Muir 152. Call (209) 575-7847 for an appointment or e-mail
Attend one informational meeting
Join one Zoom meeting of your choice. Dates/times for informational meetings:
- Tues., February 11th, 3-4 p.m.
- Tues., February 18th, 7-8 p.m.
- Friday, February 28th, 9-10 a.m.
Join the Zoom Meeting
Step #2
Complete the Program Application Below
Application submission deadline: Tues., April 1st by 5 p.m.
Step #3
Attend a 15-minute interview.
Dates: May 5th-10th, 9 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Fall 2025 - Program Classes Begin
- Take ELIC 930: Academic English Language Skills Course for Nurse Assistant (4 hours
in class with 8 hours of outside homework each week)
- August 26th – December 12th
- Mondays and Wednesdays 9:35-11:35 a.m.
- All assignments submitted in Canvas
- Complete ELW 935: English for Specific Workplace Communication (2 hours in class with
4 hours of homework each week)
- Attend Required Nurse 52 Orientation: November Date TBD
- Complete Health Clearance Process
Spring 2026 - Program Classes Continue
- Complete Nurse 52 (63 contact instruction hours with hours outside of class in homework
each week and 104 hours of clinical practicum)
- Instruction is face-to-face/in-person with online assignments and components.
Program Information Contacts
For application assistance and language proficiency assessment
English Language Learner Welcome Center
John Muir 152, MJC West Campus
Bernadet Mokhatas
Mary Calderon
For Nursing Assistant Program Questions
School of Health Professions
MJC West Campus
Karla Lopez
(209) 575-6914