Modesto Junior College is proud to announce the launch of our newly redesigned website
on August 14, 2024!
The MJC Marketing & Public Relations team alongside contributors from across the college,
have been working with the YCCD Information Technology team to design a new website
that better reflects our campus community, academic offerings, and student services.
Visitors will notice an updated look, new functionality, enhanced accessibility and
improved user experience. The redesigned site provides a refreshed “digital front
door” for students. Students and staff are invited to submit feedback on the new site
through the feedback form, linked in the footer at the bottom of every page.
A few highlights of the new site include:
- New main menu navigation: The “hamburger” menu (three stacked lines) located in the upper right corner is how
visitors will. When clicked, it expands into a menu featuring a list of popular links,
a reorganized list of icon links (formerly located in the upper right corner of the
current site), and new photo links to a Current Students portal page, and a Faculty & Staff portal page.
- Program Navigator: Current and prospective students will now have the ability to use filters to sort
programs by school, area of study and degree/certificate type with the new program navigator. The navigator can be accessed by clicking the “view all"
button below the main header image on the homepage.
- Student Handbook: A helpful new page for students where they can find important information about how to enroll in classes, check their
schedule, and understand the school calendar.
- Services for Students: A reorganized page designed to help students find the services they need faster!
MJC offers hundreds of services for students that support their academic journey.
Use this page to easily learn about, locate and connect with programs and services.