The SIERRA Program at Modesto Junior College is placed in the long-established motherland of the Yokuts and Me-Wuk peoples. The program is specifically dedicated to serving the needs of American Indian/Alaskan Native (AI/AN) students, as well as promoting Native American culture, history, and academics within the broader campus community. The program offers a range of services and resources tailored to support AI/AN students in their academic, cultural, and personal development. The SIERRA Program plays a crucial role in fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment for our AI/AN students, as well as promoting cross-cultural understanding within the broader campus community.
The following are additional key elements of the program:
The Native American Student Support and Success Program (NASSSP) aims to develop resources and services to enroll, retain and graduate Native American students, as well as engage with local native communities. The goal of the program is to strengthen K-12 pathways to and through the community college system, ensure their educational success, develop leaders and increase the number of mentors to empower future generations.