The MJC Certified Phlebotomy Technician 1 Program offers both Fee-based and CAEP Funded
(tuition free) programs.
*We do not currently have classes scheduled for the Phlebotomy Program, however, if
you would like to added to the interest list and contacted when we open up the application
process for the next set of class, please complete the Phlebotomy Program Interest List Form.
Tuition is Free - Program is funded by CA Adult Education Program (CAEP)
Program held in collaboration with Ceres Adult School
Class are on Mondays & Wednesdays from 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Classes are held ar Ceres Adult School.
All class fees are waived for eligible participants.
Childcare provided free for children ages 1-12 years old. Available for all program
For questions call: Ceres Adult School 209-556-1557
CAEP Funded Timeline
Please check back for dates and additional information
Becoming a Certified Phlebotomy Technician 1 in California
Graduate from an Accredited Phlebotomy Training Program
Pass a National Exam – Approximately $125.00
Apply to the California Department of Health, Laboratory Field Services for your License
– Approximately $125. This Licensure must be renewed every 2 years to stay current
and to be able to work as a phlebotomist.
If you are interested in this program, start getting your requirements ready NOW!
About Our Program
We strive to give students a strong foundation in the principles of phlebotomy and
prepare students to successfully pass a National Phlebotomy Certification Examination:
Students attend 84 hours of didactic in classroom lessons.
Students will complete 40 hours of externship: Practical Instruction in a Clinical Setting. Students are scheduled Monday-Friday
for an 8-hour workday. During this time students must complete a minimum of 50 successful
venipunctures, with a stretch goal of 100 or more. Ten skin punctures two arterial
(observed) blood draws are completed in class.
Attendance Policy
Due to California State requirements, absence from class or externship time is not
permitted. Being late, leaving early, and/or being absent from class may result in
students being dismissed from the program.
This program is designed to be completed in approximately 6 to 8 months.
Admission Requirements
You must be 18 years of age or older
You mustbe a high school graduate or possess a high school equivalency certificate. Foreign
academic transcripts must be translated and evaluated by a LFS approved entity – this applies to applicants with transcripts from foreign
countries ONLY.
You mustattend a Mandatory Information Meeting
You mustmeet the reading requirement
You must pass and maintain a clean criminal background check and maintain a clean
drug screening (Information given on class day 1)
Application Process
Your application will not be accepted unless you have met the requirements below.
You must provide documentation with your application that you have met the reading
requirement. This can be done as follows:
Previously taken the MJC Reading Accuplacer test and place at English 100 or higher, OR
Have taken MJC English 100 or higher AND passed with a grade of C or better, OR
Have an AA degree or higher from a U.S. college/university OR
Take the MJC Guided Self Placement Test for English and receive a score of 4 or higher. Please note: You must have a current MJC student ID # (W#) and MJC email address to take this
test. If you do not have a current MJC student ID # (w#) apply and receive an MJC student ID#. Once you have received an ID# you will need to activate your MJC email address.