ASC"New Student Orientation"is an admission requirement for all new students formally admitted to the Accommodations
and Support Program. After receiving a letter of acceptance to the Accommodations
and Support Program, new students will be required to complete this activity.
Getting Started
You have been admitted into the ASC program. What do you do next?
What is a counselor / specialist?
How do I obtain alternate media services?
Where do I take exams?
What do my accommodations mean?
What should I expect of ASC?
Where do I go First?
Your first stop along your path to achieve your educational dreams is the Student
Services Building (corner of College and Coldwell), Room 112.
Here, you will turn in your ASC application and schedule an appointment to see a Counselor
or Specialist.
Counselor? Specialist?
What is the difference? A counselor will complete an SEC (Student Education Contract)
with you, review your functional abilities / disability and assign accommodations
specific to your individual needs. A specialist may be required to determine a learning
disability or initiate specialized services, such as interpreting for the Deaf.
Student Education Contract
See ASC office for a copy of the contract.
How Do I Obtain Alternate Media Services?
Complete a Notification of Authorized Services (NAS) form with your counselor to find out if you qualify for the accommodation of alternate
media services.
It is the students’ responsibility to request alternative media formats in a timely
manner (typical requests take one to two weeks to process).
Contact Alternate Media Services – located on the East Campus, in the Student Services
Building, Room 114, or send an email to
Purchasing your course materials is required before materials in alternate format
can be released to you.
A receipt is required as proof of purchase for materials. Free ebooks do not require
a receipt.
Books can be rented from the Pirates Bookstore or checked out from the MJC Library
& Learning Center.
Responsibilities and Expectations
The Accommodations and Support Center attempts to meet all reasonable requests for
services. To ensure prompt, efficient, quality services, it is essential that you
follow the procedures described in this orientation. Please refer to your copy and
become familiar with your responsibilities in arranging services.
The policies in this orientation have been established so that you will know exactly
how to request the services that you need.
Responsibilities and Expectations per Office of Civil Rights
In providing an academic adjustment, your postsecondary school is not required to
lower or effect substantial modifications to essential requirements. For example,
although your school may be required to provide extended testing time, it is not required
to change the substantive content of the test.
In addition, your postsecondary school does not have to make modifications that would
fundamentally alter the nature of a service, program or activity that would result
in undue financial or administrative burdens.
Finally, your postsecondary school does not have to provide personal attendants, individually
prescribed devices, readers for personal use or study, or other devices or services
of a personal nature, such as tutoring and typing.
Responsibilities and Expectations - MJC Standards of Conduct
The following conduct shall constitute good cause for discipline, including but not
limited to, the removal, suspension, or expulsion of a student:
Causing, attempting to cause, or threatening to cause physical injury to another person.
Possession, sale or otherwise furnishing any firearm, knife, explosive or other dangerous
object including, but not limited to any facsimile thereof.
Unlawful possession, use, sale, offer to sell, or furnishing or being under the influence
of any controlled substance.
Committing or attempting to commit robbery or extortion.
Causing or attempting to cause damage to district property or to private property
on campus.
Committing sexual harassment as defined by law or by district policies and procedures.
Engaging in harassing or discriminatory behavior based on race, religion, creed, color,
national origin, ancestry, disability or sex (i.e. gender), sexual orientation or
any other status protected by law.
Please refer to MJC Student's Rights and Responsibilities.
Student Misconduct
Reprimand- Verbal or written notification that continued inappropriate conduct will result
in formal disciplinary action.
Instructor Removal- Instructor may remove a student from his/her class for the day of the misconduct
and the next class meeting.
Disciplinary Probation- Formal disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to, the following:
Removal from any Associated Student’s organization office held
Revocation of the privilege of participating in College and/or student-sponsored activities.
Disciplinary Suspension- Formal disciplinary action denying campus privileges for a specified period of time.
A suspended student may not be on any portion of the campus. There shall be two classes
of suspensions:
The first, “summary suspension,” serves as a penalty against the student as a result
of the failure of his/her conduct to meet standards expected by the College.
The second, “disciplinary suspension,” serves as a penalty against the student as
a result of the failure of his/her conduct to meet standards expected by the College.*
Expulsion -Formal action taken by the Yosemite Community College District terminating
a student’s privilege to attend the Colleges of the District, for disciplinary reasons.
Where Do I Take Exams with Accommodations?
Exams without accommodations may be taken in the classroom. Accommodated examsmustbe taken in the ASC testing room – located on the East Campus in the Student Services
Building, Room 116 or, located on the West Campus in Yosemite Hall, Room 145A. Note:
The campus where your class is located determines where the test is taken.
Remember: To receive testing accommodations, the test must be taken at ASC Testing
Please note that a request for a test MUST be received by East Campus or West Campus
Testing Centers at least four (4) business days before the test to ensure testing
accommodations are provided. Weekends do not count.
Types of Accommodations You May Be Eligible for
Distraction Reduced.Testing takes place in a quiet setting with minimal distraction. Noise reducing headphones
are also available.
T ½ = Time and a half – IF the class receives 1 hour, you receive 1 ½ hours to take your exam.
DT = Double time – IF the class receives 1 hour, you receive two hours to take your exam.
Scribe / Note taker – A person is provided to write your responses.
NCR Paper– A student in class takes note on carbon copy paper and gives you a copy.
Magnifying machine– Used for low vision students to enlarge materials.
Word Processing– Assistance is provided to type course related papers.
Sign Language Interpreter- An interpreter is provided for students who use sign language.
Captionist- A remote captionist provides written transcription for students who are hearing
Reader– A reader reads course material for the student.
Note taker– Attends your non-lecture classes with you and provides note taking assistance.
Electronic Speller– An electronic dictionary to assist in finding the spelling/definition of words.
Math Aide– A math aide is either a multiplication table or a calculator which may be allowed
by math instructors for exams. The decision to allow a math aide and type of calculator
is up to the instructor, not the student. Note, the calculator may be restricted to
non-programmable or non-graphing calculators.
Braille– Course materials are provided in Braille format.
Tactile Graphics – Images embossed with dots on Braille paper for visually impaired students to perceive
visual information through touch.
E-Text– Course materials are provided in electronic format for use with text to speech software.
Enlarged print– Course materials are enlarged.
Priority Registration–Students in the ASC program are awarded the opportunity to enroll in classes before
they are open to community enrollment. Note: To receive priority registration you
must be a student in good standing with at least a 2.0 Cumulative GPA and not have
earned more than 90 units.
Some Adaptive Classes Available
IIS-901 Improving Learning Potential – Specialized instruction for students with disabilities to maximize their learning
potential and increase academic efficiency.
IIS-902 Math Strategies – Specialized instruction will occur in formulating efficient personal, test-taking
and strategies specifically related to learning math.
IIS-903 Making the Move: Transition to College – Specialized instruction will occur in disability awareness and in formulating strategies
for success in the college environment.
IIS-904 Computer Access 1 – Designed for students use specialized computer software to access curriculum and
instruction and complete coursework.
IIS-905 Adapted Keyboarding – Designed to teach keyboarding basics to students who must use adaptive technologies
for successful access to the keyboard or screen and/or are unable to compete successfully
in general college courses.
IIS-906 Computer Access Projects – Designed for students who use specialized computer software to access curriculum
instruction and complete coursework, with individualized assistance in selecting appropriate
adaptive software and technology.
Adaptive PEmeans that an instructor works closely with you to design a safe exercise program
that recognizes your disability and specialized needs. Adaptive PE classes include:
PEA-104 Adapted Strength Development
PEA-106 Functional Water Exercise
PEA-116 Adapted Run/Walk
PEA-119 Adapted Sports
PEA-141 Adapted Fitness
PEA-800 Adaptive Exercise for Mature Adults
ASC Testing/Resource Center
What is the purpose of the Resource Center? Who staffs it? Of what value is it to
students? Is it always open or is it used for test center overflow?
The resource lab is valuable to you because it is designed to accommodate your specific
It is usually open and staffed by ASC personnel and student workers.
During heavy testing periods, such as mid-terms and finals, the resource lab is used
for testing.
The locations and hours of the resource center are as follows:
The East Campus Resource Lab is located in the Student Services Building, Room 116.
It is open Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Call 575-6645 to schedule appointment.
The West Campus Resource Lab is located in Yosemite Hall, Room 115. It is open by
appointment Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Call 575-7733 to schedule appointment.