Looking for more than just books and classes? MJC’s student clubs offer a great way to enrich your academic experience with new activities and friends. We have clubs that focus on everything from careers, recreation and athletics, to social events. So if you want to make professional connections as well as make new friends JOIN A CLUB today! Concerts, BBQs, coat drives, political awareness booths, multicultural affairs, and free films are just the beginning!
Club Rush Fall 2025 will be September 10 on West Campus and September 11 on East Campus.
All ICC meetings are held in the East Campus, Student Center at 1:00 p.m.
What is ASL Club? The ASL Club also seeks to educate and share the rich culture of the Deaf Community with the Modesto Community. In addition to functioning as a source of information on the Deaf Community, the Club hosts social. Examples of ASL Club sponsored Events to include playing games, monthly pizza night gatherings, and movie nights. The ASL Club also hosts a deaf panel. (As for now, zoom meeting due of COVID 19)
Who can join? The ASL Club is open to all Modesto Junior College students. You do not have to be Deaf or fluent in ASL. Many club members are beginning students, and the club is a great place to meet others who sign and to use ASL in a relaxed setting. The ASL Club is a good place for anyone interested in learning about Deaf culture. Deaf Americans have a rich and unique culture. Many members are from other countries and can tell you about the Deaf and hearing cultures of their countries. The ASL Club is as much about people and culture as it is about language.
This is the group for the anthropology club. This club is designed to enhance knowledge and understanding of anthropology and all of its respective disciplines. Our topics include anything related to biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, linguistic anthropology, or archeology.
Our mission is to offer students interested in management/administration to expand their personal and professional competences within the Business Industry. The purpose of the MJC Future Business Professionals Club is to provide students interested in a career in Business Administration with insight of various aspects of the industry. The club will allow students to network with industry representatives, alumni, faculty, and other students to provide them with skills and information for their interest in the Business Industry.
The Comic and Cartooning club aims to create an engaging community of artists that surrounds the importance of 2D studio art and the elements in comics and cartoons through drawing, design, style, creative storytelling, and writing, in order to pursue a career in the arts, help students become a published comic artist and writer, or if it is just for fun! We welcome any student with a passion for this form of narrative art. From beginner artists to advanced artists, anyone can come in and learn to create their own expressive form of media.
The purpose of the Computer Science Club is to provide a community for students interested in computer science to connect, collaborate and learn from one another. With potential to gain hands-on experience with teachers, guest speakers, network with peers and go on a field trip.
The Entrepreneur Club strives to help members of the club with business conceptualization as well as actualization, nevertheless, if the business is already formed, we shall help and encourage community growth and sharing of resources. The club will offer basic financials, marketing, networking, and logistical management. Emphasizing financial literacy and self-sustainability.
The Electronic Music Club is a student club promoting original composition as a musical collective, dedicated to the advancement of all genres.
We are the Freedom Forum, a nonpartisan political science club, established and maintained by the students of Modesto Junior College. Our main purpose is to promote and encourage political awareness and involvement amongst the students and community of the greater Modesto area in relation to global, national, state, and local politics. Encouraging political participation is one of our main goals.
The primary function of the Future Engineers of MJC Club is to provide a venue where students can explore interests related to engineering and mathematics, develop leadership skills, and serve the local community in STEM education.
The primary function of the Geology Club is to maintain current knowledge of geology; to gain knowledge, and assist others in learning about geology; to generate interest in the field of geology; as a group that is committed to each other, the growth of the club, and the study of geology.
The purpose of this organization shall be to:
Our club purpose and mission is, students standing up for humanity by building healthy relationships and offering the community healing, recovery and positive changes. We care, we see you!
The IMPACT Club is a collective of artists dedicated to enriching the culture and community here at MJC. We are a premier student ran production house, who's founding principles is education in film production through direct involvement. Taking the theory and skills from class and applying to a real production.
The Indigenous Peoples Alliance club is to provide a center of awareness for our Indigenous students on campus to strive academically through cultural teachings, resources, and by acknowledging our sovereignty.
The International Club is a club designed to bring students from the United States and the world together. We stimulate and promote friendship and understanding between foreign students, American students, and the community. The club coordinates a yearlong program of activities that are educational, cultural, and social. Members are expected to participate in fund-raisers, community service, and club activities. More than anything else, they are expected to make new friends and have fun.
The InterVarsity club at MJC provides a space to discuss issues of faith, search out what’s in the Bible, explore who Jesus is, and build community with other students. Small groups meet weekly via Zoom. Everyone is welcome!
For more information on InterVarsity, please check out this video.
The MJC Kraken Esports Club is the gaming community at Modesto Junior College! We host and play in tournaments, casual game nights, and club events to bring players together. Whether you're competing for the team, or just gaming for fun, there's a place for you here. Join the Kraken and unleash the KRAKEN! 🐙🎮
The Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences Club (MANRRS) provides an inclusive and safe community for students of all background. This is accomplished through personal development, career growth, networking, academic and career success within agriculture, natural resources, and related sciences.
MEChA is dedicated to empowering Chicano and Chicana students through advocacy, education, and community engagement! Our mission is to promote cultural pride, social justice, and academic excellence while fostering unity and solidarity among students! We are committed to addressing the issues that impact our communities, celebrating our heritage, and creating opportunities for personal and collective growth! Together, we strive to uplift our voices, inspire change, and build a better future!
There are many students at MJC that are Pre-Health majors that include majors such as nursing, respiratory therapists, and Pre-med. The Pre-Health Club of MJC will help students and alumni build relationships and confidence in their desired field. This is done by inviting medical professionals to help educate the community and students on preventative care through teaching the importance of physical health and mental health. The stated responsibilities of the club will ultimately help students understand the roles that they will play when being health care professionals. By demonstrating these responsibilities, medical schools, nursing schools and respiratory therapy programs help illustrate the leadership that all institutions want. The Club will give back to the community to make a difference through a diverse list of activities. It is listening to the patient—then and only then can the future physicians, nurses and respiratory therapists change the lives of every person they treat.
The MJC Science Club meets twice a month to plan exciting demonstrations for science outreach. We also learn about recent science news and science careers, and just have fun meeting other students who like science.
The Musician's Guild collaborates with MJC's music department, campus and the greater Central Valley community to spread the joy of music.
We organize events and provide opportunities for our community to connect through all styles of music. We believe music bridges all differences and strive to create a closer and more vibrant campus and community through our shared love of music.
We invite you to join us and collaborate on your musical projects, make connections with artists within our community, or provide local music talent for your next campus or community event.
The Parrots Club of Modesto Junior College provides space for education about issues that face the LGBTQIA+ community and offers a safe space of mutual support, respect, and freedom for self expression for all MJC students regardless of sexuality, gender identity or gender expression.
The Philosophy Club seeks to discover the truths of the universe through the examination of knowledge, reality, and morals. As a club, we share deep conversations about various concepts relevant to the world around us. We tackle these topics in ways that both beginners to philosophy and those who are well versed can follow and enjoy. It's important to us to give MJC students an opportunity to discuss the philosophical concepts of the world around us in a welcoming environment.
The Respiratory Care Club seeks to educate the community in cardio-pulmonary health and healthcare issues. The club develops partnerships with community healthcare providers and health organizations to provide members with opportunities to participate in many healthcare-related activities. We promote enthusiasm and a positive learning experience by providing a supportive network of students interested in the respiratory care profession. Membership is open to all active MJC students interested in respiratory care
In September 2016, the Modesto Junior College Sports Medicine Club was officially formed. Its mission is as follows:
To provide students with opportunities for association and interaction with the Sports Medicine faculty and Athletic Administration of Modesto Junior College; to instill the desire for self-improvement and scholastic excellence. A student does not have to be enrolled in the Sports Medicine classes to be involved. The club usually meets every 1st & 3rd Monday's at 1 pm. It is a student-run club and often students choose to have guest speakers from various health care professions, attend field trips to other athletic training or sports medicine facilities and host an annual winter gathering of current and MJC alumni to help continue networking throughout their careers.
The Tabletop Gaming Club is a place for students looking to relax at the end of a long week by playing games, socializing, and making lasting relations. All games are welcomed and encouraged to foster a sense of community within MJC, be it Dungeons & Dragons, Pokémon trading card game, or any other board game.
The VGDC aims to enrich the experience of MJC Students by developing initiatives that may include fundraising, social events, field trips, and community outreach, as well as other activities that benefit the MJC Center for Advanced Technology through the Computer Graphics (CMPGR) and Computer Science (CSCI) Department.
Our Goal is to collaborate with Students in ALL Disciplines throughout campus to bring awareness to the complexity and challenges that Game Developers face on a day to day basis.
Our Mission Statement is to provide MJC Students with an interest, in the field of Video Game Development and Design, with a Simulated Industry Experience aimed at developing video games as an Indie Game Development Studio. Our Mission also serves a secondary purpose. During this process, it gives MJC Students a feel for the practical application of their respective field and determines their true interest in a specialized field or in the overall development process. The goal is to help students focus their potential and pair them with a possible education direction.
Examples Below
By collaborating with these Highly Specialized Multilayer Disciplines, the VGDC hopes to encourage and foster a more unified student body, by transcending the line between ALL departments on Campus.
We Invite you to join our very diverse group of Game Developers and contribute to the growing recognition of this rapidly evolving industry.
We are the VGDC!
The Visual Arts Club is a collaborative environment focusing on exploring different forms of art and creativity. Meetings include workshops about how to draw and work with different materials, visiting artist lectures, and learning more about pursuing a career in the arts.
Young Farmers is a student led club that fosters interaction from students of various backgrounds, with an emphasis in agriculture awareness. This is achieved through community involvement, personal and industry relationships, and career preparation.
Advisor: Lori Marchy marchyl@yosemite.edu
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Most campus activities and events require planning ahead. It is recommended to plan at least a month in advance in order to have all paperwork completed in time, especially when requesting funds. Large events need to be planned six months ahead. The best idea is to map out all the semester's plans early and then work ahead a semester.
Part of the educational experience students gain in a leadership position is learning how to manage a budget and maintain fiscal records. Your primary role regarding finances will be to monitor expenses, provide feedback on the budget, and sign off on college forms as the club advisor. Your signature (in addition to a student officer signature) signifies that club money is being spent appropriately.
Taking money home and maintaining outside bank accounts for the club is not permitted. Should you have an event during the weekend or in the evening, please let security know at 575-6351 and they can assist you to deposit money.
When fundraising for events, a budget must be completed in advance. What is the cost of the fundraising event? What is the expected revenue? Understanding the budget is necessary to determine whether or not the club’s goals can be reached.
An effective advisor has a strong belief in the club/student organization, a desire to help students succeed, a willingness to share expertise, and a commitment to spend time with the organization. District staff or faculty can be club advisors.
Your responsibility is to act reasonably while performing your role. Consider yourself a representative of both the college and the club. Also, we encourage clubs to have an advisor and co-advisor.
An effective advisor allows students to make decisions and learn from their experiences. While it may be your first reaction to intervene and fix the mistakes you see, this is not the role of an advisor. Assist club members in benefiting from their experiences by using mistakes as teachable moments.
Conversely, while it may be easy to sit back and say “everything is a learning experience, I won’t interfere with what they say or do,” it is your responsibility to ensure that students understand what consequences could result from the decisions they make. In other words, be proactive when a potentially controversial or policy-related situation or decision is discussed.