As faculty and staff, wer recognize the powerful impact you have on the career path of our students and we welcome opportunities to collaborate with you to meet thier career development needs.
We are willing to bring information directly to your class on a wide range of career and professional preparation topics. Please contact 209-575-6660 to request an appoinment.
We are always looking for ways to work with faculty/staff to best serve our students. We can help you plan, market and document your career-related events, courses, or groups.
Reserve the Career Center Workshop equiped with white board, tables, chairs and large screen for group viewing. Call today to reserve. 209-575-6660
We appreciate your referrals. Many students seek out faculty and staff guidance when considering careers. Please refer your students to us for career-related information, introduce them to our website, and encourage them to participate in our professional readiness workshops. For faster service please email Dejeune Shelton (209-575-7798, LaKiesha McDonald (209-575-6655,
Employers are eager to engage with a variety of academic departments. Let us know if you are interested in connecting with employers and direct employers to the Career Services Center for recruiting services.
Feel free to contact us with any request for collaboration with your career related curriculum. Common activities include: resume writing, assessments, career exploration activities, and credit for visiting the Career Services Center or workshop participation.