The program at the MJC School of Public Safety, Regional Fire Training Center has been approved by the State Fire Marshal's Office and the State Board of Fire Services as an Accredited Regional Training Program & Fire Science training center.
The California State Fire Marshal and State Fire Training have developed the certification path to become a State Certified Firefighter 1 and Firefighter 2. The Fire Fighter 1 Certification is issued to those who have completed the Fire Fighter 1 academic training and certification exams (psychomotor skills exams and cognitive exams). Students currently enrolled in training at the MJC Fire Academy program will automatically be registered for the certification exams and automatically issued certification upon successful completion of the Academy and examinations. Final certification as a Firefighter 2 is verified by the State Fire Marshal's office after the student completes the Academy, works as a volunteer firefighter for one year or a full-time paid firefighter for six months. Students completing this program will receive numerous stand alone certificates.
Acceptance into the MJC Fire Academy program is by an application process only. The Spring 2025 semester application period has closed, and the Academy will begin on January 4, 2025. The next Fire Academy will be offered in the Fall semester of 2025. Please check back for the application period in the early Summer semester.
*Completion of courses required with a grade of C or better. In-progress courses are not accepted for application.
Prospective candidates are evaluated on the basis of their college and fire experience. Successful candidates will be offered enrollment in the program.
Applications for the Fire Academy are accepted during the semester prior to the Fire Academy, though the exact dates vary each semester. Check this page regularly for application updates.
The Fire Academy requires registration with Modesto Junior College and material fees, as well as uniform and equipment rental fees. The total cost of the Fire Academy is approximately $5,308.
Uniforms and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Students must possess approved uniforms, safety wear & equipment in order to participate in our Fire Academy. Approved vendors from each category are on hand at our mandatory Orientation for accepted Fire Academy applicants for sizing and to accepts orders.
Fees: California residents pay an enrollment fee (tuition) for each unit they register, of $46 per unit, in addition to any material fees the college may include. The Fire Academy is a 21 unit program with $1,420 in material fees.
Financial Aid: Some students may be eligible to receive financial aid towards the Fire Academy tuition fees. Learn more about MJC's Student Financial Services.
The following is an estimated cost of the MJC Fire Academy:
Fire Academy Course | Units | Unit Cost | Material Fees | Total Cost |
FTECH 317 | 4 | $184.00 | $60.00 | $244.00 |
FTECH 318 | 8 | $368.00 | $545.00 | $913.00 |
FTECH 319 | 9 | $414.00 | $815.00 | $1,229.00 |
$26.00 - Payable once per semester
$10.00 - Payable once per semester
$10.00 - Payable once per semester
$1,479 - $1,874 - Subject to change
Required PPE & self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), rented through approved
vendor. Students may use their departments upon approval, provided it meets NFPA
1971 standards and are OSHA approved.
$875 - $1,000 - Subject to change
Required uniforms purchased through approved vendor.
The MJC Regional Fire Training Center Fire Academy is a premier, intensive and physically strenuous 1 semester program to prepare students for careers in Fire Service. The Fire Academy provides students with the opportunity to achieve a full breadth of State Fire Marshall certifications inclusive of the Fire Fighter I, LARRO, RS1, Auto Extrication, Hazmat Fro & Decon, Wildland Firefighting, Low Angle Rope Rescue, etc.
The Fire Science Program of the Modesto Junior College Regional Fire Training Center has been approved by the State Fire Marshal's Office and the State Board of Fire Services as an accredited Regional Academy & Fire Science training center and offers several paths for those who have an interest in the fire service. Students desiring a career in the fire service are strongly encouraged to obtain either a Certificate or A. S. Degree in Fire Science. The Associate of Science Degree in Fire Science at Modesto Junior College meets the same goals of the Certificate program but more importantly, also serves to provide a foundation for higher learning and transfer capabilities to a four year institution. The Fire Science Major has six required core courses. To fulfill the balance of degree units, students must complete 12 additional electives units as found in the program electives and meet the General Education requirements. The total number of these units will vary depending upon the General Education Pattern option you select.
The Fire Science Program of the Modesto Junior College Regional Fire Training Center has been approved by the State Fire Marshal's Office and the State Board of Fire Services as an accredited Regional Academy & Fire Science training center and offers several paths for those who have an interest in the fire service. Students desiring a career in the fire service are strongly encouraged to obtain either a Certificate or A. S. Degree in Fire Technology. A certification of completion in Fire Technology is designed for the student who wishes to make the fire service a career but does not intend to pursue a 4 year degree and is granted upon fulfillment of the 18 unit core courses and the completion of 12 additional program electives.