The MJC Regional Fire Training Center operates under a unique partnership between the Yosemite Community College District (Modesto Junior College), The City of Modesto (MST), and the County of Stanislaus (Stanislaus County Fire Districts).
Located at 1220 Fire Science Lane, across Carpenter from Modesto Junior College's West Campus. the MJC Regional Fire Training Center is a state of the art fire training facility designed to give realistic training to pre-service and in-service firefighters for a network of Fire Agencies Partners located in Stanislaus & San Joaquin County.
The Center was constructed at a cost of 5.4 million dollars. The center includes many important features that would not have been possible if not for the partnership approach, and many unique challenges have been overcome to make this center a reality. The Modesto Junior College Fire Science curriculum prepares the student for a career in the fire service. The program is designed to teach students about the organization and operation of the fire service, proper use of fire equipment, tactics and strategies of firefighting, specialized job skills and management techniques.
This committee is made up of members who are either internal and/or external to the Fire and Emergency Services industry and consists of qualified, knowledgeable members who are intrinsically motivated. Members represent the following areas:
This advisory committee has no binding authority, but to generally approach its advisory role by reviewing certain operational efforts, discuss them, and propose possible solutions and recommendations. This committee meets twice a year, once during the Fall semester and once during the Spring semester.