Phone: 209-575-6351 TTY#209-575-6836 If you cannot reach Dispatch for any reason, please call our EMERGENCY Security Dispatch: at 209-575-6911 or our EMERGENCY Dispatch Cell Phone 209-484-7268. Call Campus Safety 24-hour Dispatch
For NON-Emergency Questions or Comments please feel free to send us an email at
All Campus Buildings have fire alarms that have been monitored and maintained by Campus Safety personnel over the years. Campus Safety is currently converting the alarm monitoring to an off-site alarm monitoring company. Campus Safety personnel still respond to all alarms. Campus Safety personnel also monitor, maintain and respond to security and intrusion alarms on campus.
The department operates a full-service emergency dispatch center located at the Campus Safety Operations center on West Campus. The center is staffed 24 hours a day by both full-time and part-time employees. The dispatch center also houses monitoring equipment for the college's fire and intrusion alarms, as well as our camera system. Please note that our camera monitoring equipment is used for evidentiary purposes only.
YCCD requires all new employees to undergo fingerprinting for criminal history background checks. An individual who is to be employed or volunteering in Child Care Departments, or as a Custodian, or in the Campus Safety Department, or if they have disclosed a misdemeanor or felony, must clear fingerprinting and background checks prior to beginning work. MJC Campus Safety provides the initial processing for Live Scans at Modesto Junior College. Go to either Campus Safety office during normal business hours to complete the necessary forms and to pay for the Department of Justice background check. See the LIVESCAN Information link. More information is available in the New Hire Packet.
YCCD requires all new employees to undergo fingerprinting for criminal history background checks. An individual who is to be employed or volunteering in Child Care Departments, or as a Custodian, or in the Campus Safety/Security Department or if they have disclosed a misdemeanor or felony, must clear fingerprinting and background checks prior to beginning work.
CSU, Stanislaus
801 West Monte Vista Ave
Walk-Ins Only
Mon & Fri 8am-3pm
Tues, Weds, Thurs: 8am-7pm
Cost: $25 cash only
Maxx 1 Security
121 E Orangeburg Ste. #7
Appointments Only
Cost: $30
NOTE: LiveScan may be performed with any LiveScan service provider.
The Rape Aggression Defense Basic Personal Defense System is a realistic system of self defense tactics and techniques taught to women only. All courses are taught by nationally certified R.A.D. instructors.
The goal of R.A.D. is to provide realistic self-defense options to women, regardless of their level of physical conditioning. Students at all levels of ability, age, experience, and strength will be provided with techniques and information that can be effectively used from the first day of class. R.A.D. is not a martial arts program, nor does it require students to be athletes in training to succeed.
The R.A.D. system will provide students with the knowledge to make an educated decision about personal defense. We provide information on physical and non-physical options, as well as insight into the attacker mindset.
Every student receives a manual for reference and practice. Once a student has completed a R.A.D. program, their signed manual becomes a ticket for free lifetime return and practice with any R.A.D. instructor in the US and Canada.
The widespread acceptance of the R.A.D. system is due to the ease, simplicity, and effectiveness of our tactics, solid research, legal defensibility, and unique teaching methodology. R.A.D. is the only self-defense program endorsed by the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA).
Campus Safety has been offering the RAD Basic Personal Development Course to the Staff and Student since 2012.
If you are interested in participating in the next class email and we will contact you as classes form.
Campus Safety operates 24 hours a day in the protection of our campus community, and provides training to college staff and students in subjects of crime prevention, personal defense, and emergency preparedness.
The role of the Modesto Junior College, Campus Safety staff is to enhance the quality of life for the entire campus community by maintaining a secure and open environment where the safety of all is well balanced with a strong commitment to professionalism and customer service. Using a proactive approach the department partners with the community, local law enforcement and fire services in the protection of the college.
Athletic Facilities, such as the track and tennis courts are currently open to the community during daylight hours and while not being utilized by instructors and students. Any Physical Education classes or scheduled events take precedence over community use.