Crimes can be averted and suspects apprehended more quickly if suspicious activity is reported promptly. If someone's behavior or the situation is disturbing, threatening, or out of the ordinary, call the MJC Campus Safety Department any time of the day or night. The officer will assess the situation and take any necessary and appropriate action. The College strongly encourages victims to report all incidents and/or any suspicious activity on campus to Campus Safety. All crimes reported to Campus Safety are maintained on the Daily Crime Log at the Campus Safety Office.
In addition to Campus Safety, crimes may be reported to any campus administrator. This includes deans, directors, vice presidents and the campus president. Crimes occurring off-campus should be reported immediately to the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction.
To report a life threatening emergency dial 6911 from any campus telephone or pay phone. At MJC, emergencies can also be reported by using one of the emergency call boxes located throughout campus and by calling Campus Safety Dispatch 209-575-6351. On campus, if you dial 6911 from a campus phone or use an emergency call box, the dispatcher or operator can determine your location and will dispatch a Campus Safety officer immediately. If there is a fire and no telephone is available, activate the nearest fire alarm.
For NON-EMERGENCY calls for assistance, call the MJC Campus Safety Department at 209-575-6351 or use the emergency call box in the parking lots.The MJC Campus Safety Department is located on the West Campus, John Muir 151.
California law prohibits threats or acts of violence against individuals or groups or their property because of personal characteristics or associations. State laws similarly prohibit defacing, damaging, or destroying another's property to intimidate or interfere with his/her rights. Crimes routinely classified as misdemeanors can be felonies if committed because of bigotry. A conviction cannot be based on speech alone, unless the speech itself threatens violence against a specific individual or group, and the defendant has the ability to carry out the threat. If you are the victim of or witness a hate crime, report it as soon as possible.
To report suspected misconduct involving an MJC student, registered student organization, staff, or faculty member, please contact Campus Safety Dispatch or submit a report via the Student Handbook Complaints page.
The MJC Standards of Conduct prohibit a range of serious offenses, including physical assault (including rape), threats of violence, and any conduct that endangers health or safety. Additionally, the policy forbids the illegal use or possession of weapons, explosives, drugs, or alcohol, as well as theft and vandalism. Students who commit crimes may face both criminal prosecution and disciplinary action from the college. Furthermore, students and student organizations may be subject to disciplinary measures for off-campus conduct that threatens campus safety or security.
Violations that are deemed intentional, forcible, violent, or motivated by hatred or bias typically result in suspension or dismissal.
For concerns unrelated to harassment or discrimination, please refer to the general complaint section of the Student Handbook.
Modesto Junior College has Agriculture students living on the West Campus. Students are given an orientation regarding their personal safety when they start school at MJC and annually thereafter. Great care is given to the safety of these students to enhance their success in the MJC Agriculture Program experience. Each student living on campus has the option to register a confidential contact person to be notified in the case that the student is determined to be missing with Student Development, and only authorized campus officials and Campus Safety, in pursuit of a missing person investigation or comparable emergency, may have access to this information. All students, even if they have not registered a contact person, are advised that local law enforcement will be notified if a student is missing.
A student will be considered missing if the following conditions exist
Students are free to come and go off campus, but if a student goes missing for more than 24 hours, the following procedures will be followed: