M from 9-5 in the Counseling Office (SSB 226); 1:30- 4:00 pm Walk-in Hours in the
Counseling Office (SSB 226)
T from 8-10 am Walk-in Hours Counseling Office (SSB 226)
T from 10-3 Ag Bldg Rm 111
W from 8-4 Zoom; 8-10 Online Drop-in Hours
TH from 8-1 Counseling Office (SSB 226); 8-10 Walk-in Hours
F from12:30-2:30 Walk-in Hours Counseling Office (SSB 226)
No member found with the email millerc@yosemite.edu.
M, W & TH from 8-2 Counseling Office (SSB 226); 12-2 Walk-in Hours
F 8-2 Zoom, 12-2 Online Drop-in Hours