Current enrolled MJC students may be eligible to receive free food! We are here to support students in need of additional food and basic needs throughout their educational journey at MJC. All students must complete the Basic Needs Intake Form Spring-Summer 2025, before participating in our program. After submitting the Basic Needs Intake Form, you will be contacted through your MJC email to attend a Pirates' Pantry Application orientation.
Monday through Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m
The 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month, Pirates' Pantry will be closed for snacks.
Hours are subject to change due to staff availability.
Tuesdays: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Once enrolled in the Pirates' Pantry, grocery appointment forms will be emailed to you via your MJC email.
Receive a variety of groceries (canned goods, meat, produce, etc.) twice a month! This can be done either in person inside the MSR Building or Drive-Thru in Lot 209.
Snacks, refreshments, and drinks brought to you by our MJC Hunger-FREE initiative.
More information will be provided soon.
We are based on a Four Point System
Pirates' Pantry is able to connect students with MJC's Health Services.
Health Services provides free mental health counseling
In partnership with CalFresh advocates, Pirates' Pantry collaborates with a team who is ready to guide you through the process.
Students seeking CalFresh resources: Visit the CalFresh page