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Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) is college credit awarded for validated college-level skills and knowledge gained outside of a college classroom. Students’ knowledge and skills might be gained through experiences such as:

CPL does not award credit for knowledge and skills learned through college and university courses.

Apply for Credit for Prior Learning

To begin, contact
 our CPL Counselor at or at (209) 575-6157 to set up a “CPL New Student Appointment.”

Once you have met with the CPL Counselor and determined your eligibility, course selections and methods of assessment for CPL, which includes Credit by Exam (CBE), complete the CPL Petition Form to start the process. 

The CPL Petition form is a fully electronic form that is initiated by the student. This form walks the student through the entire petition process for all four methods of assessment: military transcript, industry certificate, portfolio, credit by exam (CBE)

Frequently Asked Questions

Faculty Resources

Since our greatest population is students aged 24 through 32, they may come to MJC with viable work experience, previous apprenticeships, or even foreign education. If we can offer them credit for courses such as introductory courses that lead to a certificate or degree, we can help them complete their goal in a more timely manner, increaseing their chances of getting a raise or a new job.

CPL Tools, Policies (CCC, CSU, UC) & Data Reporting

  • Cal State and CPL EO 1036
  • UC and CPL: UC does not award credit for: work or volunteer experience, vocational or technical training, and personal enrichment courses; remedial academic or pre-baccalaureate courses, especially in English and math; or College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) or DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) exams. Additionally, coursework from an international junior/community college program that is technical or vocational, or which does not lead to further academic study at a university in the international country, will not receive transfer credit at UC.
  • CPL BOG Policy Title V §55050

Additional Info & Outside Resources