Residency Determination Date is defined as a year and one day prior to the first day of instruction for the semester. All proofs submitted as part of documentation must be dated prior to the determination date for the term you are applying for residency reclassification.
Residency Determination Date:
January 12, 2024
Filing Deadline:
January 24, 2025
Residency Determination Date:
May 4, 2024
Filing Deadline:
May 15, 2025
Residency Determination Date:
August 24, 2024
Filing Deadline:
September 5, 2025
Students must meet the following requirements:
Non-residents still may attend college subject to non-resident tuition in addition to all other college mandatory fees. For the most up to date fees please see the MJC Business Services Office website.
Students who have been classified as a non-resident may request to be reclassified as a California resident if their status has changed. The form is available online and must be submitted with the appropriate documentation. Please see the Residency Consideration Request for more information.
All proofs must include the following information:
Burden of Proof: The burden of proof lies with the STUDENT to demonstrate clearly both physical presence in California and intent to establish a California residence.
Financial Independence: A student who is classified as a non-resident, but has established financial independence, may be classified as a resident if the student has met the requirements of CCR 54020 for one year prior to the residence determination date. In order to change from non-resident to resident, a student must provide appropriate documentation that his/her circumstances have changed.
Out of State College Attendance: Students who have attended an out of state institution within the last 2 years will need to complete the residency consideration form and will ONLY be required to show proof of non-residence status at the out of state school AND a copy of your current California ID.
Non-citizen students, if their visa does not preclude them from establishing residency in the United States, may be classified as residents if they have resided in California more than one year and one day and if USCIS documents were issued or approved more than one year and one day prior to the beginning of the term. Examples of USCIS documentation that may be requested include:
Students whose USCIS documents were issued less than one year and one day prior to the start of the semester will be considered non-residents for tuition purposes. If the issue date on your USCIS document is not one year and one day old, you can use it along with your application for adjustment of status as long as the process started one year and one day prior to the start of the semester.
Non-Resident fees are NOT covered by your VA education benefits.
AB 13 (VACA) Exemption or Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act (VACA H.R. 3230)
Veterans or dependents of an eligible Veteran who meet the following requirements shall be exempt from paying non-resident tuition as Modesto Junior College. A "covered individual" for purposes of compliance with the VACA Act and Education Code Section 68075.7 is defined as:
Under this exemption, students are NOT eligible to receive a California College Promise Grant (Formerly BOG waiver). Students will still be classified as a non-resident but given an exemption from paying non-resident tuition.
Senate Bill (SB) 701 amended California Education Code (CEC) 68075.7 to conform with the federal law that eliminated the requirement of the expiration of a 3-year eligibility period. Regardless of the passage date of SB 701, colleges must still implement the change by the August 1, 2021 effective date.
To apply for AB13 (VACA) California Non-resident Tuition Exemption for Eligible Veterans & Dependents you must:
What is AB540?
Signed into law in October 2001, California Assembly Bill 540 (AB 540) is a bill that provides an exemption to the requirement to pay non-resident tuition. California Community College students who are granted an AB 540 exemption, will be charged in-state tuition and fees, and not the supplemental tuition charged to non-residents.
Who is eligible?
Students (including undocumented students) who, for various reasons, are classified as nonresidents may be eligible. You must meet the following requirements to be eligible. Please see the AB 540 Exemption form for more information.
Time and coursework requirements
California community college means either 12 units of credit per semester (or quarter equivalent per year) or a minimum of 420 class hours per year (or semester or quarter equivalent per year) in non-credit courses authorized by Education Code section 84757.
Degree or Unit Requirements
Meet one of the following requirements:
Signed Non-resident Exemption Request
The exemption is not available for students who are absent from California, and are taking distance education classes from California community colleges.
Check your eligibility:
Immigrants Rising's CA In-state Tuition qualifier Tool helps you determine if you meet the attendance and degree requirements for in-state tuition.
Education Code section 68075.6 grants an immediate nonresident tuition fee exemption to eligible Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders and refugee students who settled in California upon entering the United States. This exemption is granted for one year from the date the student settled in California upon entering he United States. Please complete the AB 343 Non-resident Tuition Exemption Request if this applies to you.
This exemption applies to the following (Refugee, SI1, SI2, SI3, SQ1, SQ2, SQ3, T or U Visa):