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Modesto Junior College honors College Board Advanced Placement (AP)® examination scores of 3, 4, or 5 and will grant credit where appropriate in accordance with the following policies and procedures.

Request Official AP Score Reports

  1. Complete an Admissions Application at MJC. AP scores can only be used for academic credit by enrolled MJC students. 
  2. Using MJC's 4-digit college ID (4486), visit the College Board AP Program website to request that an official AP Score Report be sent to: (Fee's may be required)

    MJC Enrollment Services
    435 College Avenue
    Modesto, CA. 95350
  3. Allow 4-6 weeks before logging into Self-Service to check your unofficial transcript. You will see how your AP scores have been interpreted in accordance with MJC policy. 

AP Score Report Evaluation Process

Upon MJC receipt of the AP Score Report, AP Examination scores of 3, 4, or 5 will automatically:

  • Apply as elective unit credit to the 60 units required for associate degree
  • Be used to satisfy General Education breadth area and unit requirements as indicated on the AP Grid.

Using AP Scores to Satisfy MJC Requirements

Acceptance of Credit for Commonly Used AP Exams

Transferring with AP Credit

If the student plans to transfer to a public or private university to pursue a baccalaureate degree, bear in mind that AP credit-granting policies vary at each institution for:

  • admission
  • major requirements
  • prerequisites
  • baccalaureate degree requirements
  • GE Breadth requirements

To learn about AP credit-granting policies upheld by transfer institutions, students should meet with an MJC counselor and research AP policies on the internet.

MJC students who have earned course credit at MJC for an AP exam should not take the comparable MJC course. Transfer credit will not be granted for both.

AP Allowances and Restrictions

Granting of units through AP examinations are subject to the following allowances and restrictions:

  • Units earned from AP exams, while recorded as “pass/no pass” or “P/NP” units on the transcript, are not subject to the college maximum of 14 units of P/NP grading.
  • Units earned from AP exams will not be considered units earned through “Credit by Examination”, and therefore are not subject to the college’s maximum of 30 Credit by Examination units.
  • Units earned from AP exams cannot be used to satisfy the college’s Twelve-Units-in-Residence requirement for associate degree.
  • Units earned from AP exams cannot be used as evidence of enrollment at MJC in order to satisfy eligibility criteria for financial aid, veterans programs, or EOP&S.


MJC Equivalent Courses must be obtained through the CPL Process.

Title Minimum score MJC Equivalent Course (Through CPL Process) MJC-GE Area Units Earned at MJC
Art History 3   3 3
Biology 3 BIO 111 5 4
Calculus AB 3 MATH 171 2 3
Calculus BC 3 MATH 172 2 3
Calculus BC (AB Subscore) 3 MATH 171 2 2
Chemistry 3   5 6
Chinese Language & Culture 3   3 3
Comparative Government & Politics 3   4 3
Computer Science A 3 CSCI 271 N/A 3
Computer Science Principles 3 CSI 270 N/A 0
English Language & Composition 3   1 3
English Literature & Composition 3   1A or 3 3
Environmental Science 3 ENSCI 108 5 4
European History 3   3 or 4 3
French Language & Culture 3   3 5
German Language & Culture 3   3 5
Human Geography 3   4 3
Italian Language & Culture 3   3 3
Japanese Language & Culture 3   3 3
Macroeconomics 3   4 3
Microeconomics 3   4 3
Physics 1 3   5 3
Physics 2 3   5 3
Physics C: Electricity/Magnetism 3   5 4
Physics C: Mechanics 3   5 4
Psychology 3 PSYC C1000 4 3
Spanish Language & Culture 3 SPAN 101 3 5
Spanish Literature & Culture 3   3 5
Statistics 3 STAT C1000 2 4
Studio Art - 2D, 3D Design, Drawing 3   N/A 3
U.S. Government & Politics 3 N/A 4 3
U.S. Government & Politics 4, 5 POLS C1000 4 3
U.S. History 3 HIST 101 4 or 7 3
U.S. History 3   3 or 4 3
World History: Modern 3   3 or 4 3



Title Minimum Score Cal-GETC Area Units
Art History 3 3A or 3B 3
Biology 3 5B w/ 5C 4
Calculus AB 3 2 3
Calculus BC 3 2 3
Calculus BC (AB Subscore) 3 2 3
Chemistry 3 5A w/5C


Chinese Language & Culture 3 3B


Comparative Government & Politics 3 4


Computer Science A 3 N/A


Computer Science Principles 3 N/A


English Language & Composition 3 1A


English Literature & Composition 3 1A or 3B


Environmental Science 3 5A w/ 5C


European History 3 3B or 4


French Language & Culture 3 3B


German Language & Culture 3 3B


Human Geography 3 4


Italian Language & Culture 3 3B


Japanese Language & Culture 3 3B


Latin 3 3B


Macroeconomics 3 4


Microeconomics 3 4


Physics 1 3 5A w/5C


Physics 2 3 5A w/5C


Physics C: Electricity/Magnetism 3 5A w/5C


Physics C: Mechanics 3 5A w/5C


Psychology 3 4


Spanish Language & Culture 3 3B


Spanish Literature & Culture 3 3B


Statistics 3 2


Studio Art - 2D, 3D Design, Drawing 3 N/A


U.S. Government & Politics 3 4 & US 2


U.S. History 3 3B or 4 & US-1


World History: Modern 3 3B or 4


  1. Students seeking certification in GE breadth prior to transfer must have passed the exam before Fall 09.
  2. If a student passes more than one AP exam in physics, only six units of credit may be applied to the baccalaureate, and four units of credit may be applied to a certification in GE Breadth.
  3. Students who pass AP Environmental Science earn 4 units of credit. Exams taken prior to Fall 09 may apply to either (B1+B3) or (B2+B3) of GE Breadth. Exams taken Fall 09 or later may only apply to (B1+B3.)
  4. Exams taken before Fall 2009 earn 6 units of credit of CSU Breadth. Exams taken Fall 09 or later earn units reflected on the AP grid.
  5. Students seeking certification in GE breadths prior to transfer must have passed the exam before Fall 12.

Policy developed in accordance with CCCCO Memo AA 17-20 (CCC GE AP List)  CSU Policy "CSU Systemwide Credit for External Examinations" and UC AP Credit policy, each which shows the minimum credits allowable in GE areas for each segment. Questions about this MJC policy should be directed to MJC Articulation Services which maintains the page on behalf of the MJC Curriculum Committee. Updated 03/19/2021