If your SAP result is Warning, your Academic Progress is currently below standards.
Select the SAP result that matches the information on your Satisfactory Academic Progress page.
You are on Financial Aid Warning status because your cumulative GPA is currently below satisfactory academic standards.
Your cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) is below the required 2.0.
Warning Status:
To return to satisfactory academic standards you must meet ALL of the following criteria:
Have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher, AND
Complete a minimum of 67% cumulative attempted units, AND
Have not earned an AA/AS degree or beyond, AND
Have attempted less than 150% of the published length of your program:
90 Units Allowed: To complete a 60-unit AA/AS degree, 4-yr transfer, or vocational program
45 Units Allowed: To earn a Certificate of Achievement
You are on Financial Aid Warning status because your cumulative Pace Rate is currently below satisfactory academic standards.
You have completed less-than 67% of your cumulative attempted units.
Warning Status:
To return to satisfactory academic standards you must meet ALL of the following criteria:
Complete a minimum of 67% cumulative attempted units, AND
Have not earned an AA/AS degree or beyond, AND
Have attempted less than 150% of the published length of your program:
90 Units Allowed: To complete a 60-unit AA/AS degree, 4-yr transfer, or vocational program
45 Units Allowed: To earn a Certificate of Achievement
You are on Financial Aid Warning status because your cumulative Pace Rate and GPA are currently below satisfactory academic standards.
Your cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) is below the required 2.0, AND
you have completed less-than 67% of your cumulative attempted units.
Warning Status:
To return to satisfactory academic standards you must meet ALL of the following criteria:
Have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher, AND
Complete a minimum of 67% cumulative attempted units, AND
Have not earned an AA/AS degree or beyond, AND
Have attempted less than 150% of the published length of your program:
90 Units Allowed: To complete a 60-unit AA/AS degree, 4-yr transfer, or vocational program
45 Units Allowed: To earn a Certificate of Achievement