A college education may be one of the most valuable investments you can make. To help you plan for your education, we have outlined the costs, including tuition and fees.
Information about student fees and tuition for the 2024/2025 school year may be found in the MJC 2024/2025 course catalog.
Fees are subject to change by action of the California State Legislature.
Students enrolled in upper-division baccalaureate degree courses pay a B.S. enrollment fee, in addition to the enrollment fee, for each unit registered in a term.
$84 B.S. Enrollment Fee + $46 Enrollment Fee = $130 per unit
Visit the MJC School of Health Professionals for more information about this program.
Non-California (non-CA) Resident, International, and Foreign students pay a non-CA resident enrollment fee, in addition to the Enrollment or B.S. Enrollment fee, for each unit registered. AB540 and AB2000 include details regarding exemptions. Please see the Applying for Admission to MJC section of your MJC Course Catalog for residency information, or contact MJC Enrollment Services.
The California Non-Resident Enrollment fee is subject to change each year, commencing
with the Summer term. Any updates or amendments will be reflected in the MJC Course Catalog addendum of the effective school year.
Established by 2/3 vote of the entire MJC student body to enact a student center fee
of $1 per unit, up to a maximum of $10 per academic year. This fee supports the operation and maintenance of Student Center facilities on the
East and West campuses.
Visit ASMJC for additional information or updates about this fee.
The MJC Health Services Fee supports the Health Services Department and provides students with a variety of remote and in-person health care services on both campuses. This fee does not apply to students enrolled exclusively in the following course types pursuant to Education Code §76355 and YCCD Board Policy § 5030:
Exemption forms are available online for students who depend exclusively on prayer for healing. Additional
exemptions may be considered by the Office of the Vice President of Student Services (East Campus, Morris Building, Room 207).
Please visit MJC Health Services for more information about services, hours, and locations.
Established by 2/3 vote of the entire MJC student body to enact an student representation
fee of $2 each term. Money collected will be used by ASMJC to represent student concerns
at local, state, and federal government levels. A refusal to pay this optional fee
must be submitted online via the Optional Fee Waiver Form.
Visit ASMJC for additional information or updates about this fee.
The Student Activity fee provides students with membership to ASMJC, and helps to
fund student-oriented activities, events, and services. Students may refuse this optional fee
and access to all ASMJC services and benefits by completing the Optional Fee Waiver Form online.
Visit ASMJC for additional information or updates about this fee.
The Application for Course Audit form is used when a student wants to review a previously
taken course and obtained a passing grade. This is available only to students who
have met the repeat limitation on an existing course. Students must wait until the first day of classes to process an application for course
Once all required signatures are obtained, fees may be paid with the Business Services office. Students enrolled to receive credit for 10 or more units at the time audit enrollment
occurs will not be assessed the fee for up to 3 units.
Contact your instructor to obtain the Application for Course Audit.
Parking permits are not currently required in Student Parking Lots. Campus maps are available with parking lot locations. Parking fees are subject to change.
Students are prohibited from parking in spaces indicated for Disabled or Staff parking without an appropriate permit. Visit YCCD Campus Safety for more information and important announcements.
A $25 non-refundable setup fee is due at the time of payment plan enrollment. Visit Nelnet Campus Commerce for more information regarding payment plans.
A $30 returned payment fee is added to your payment plan for each returned payment. Visit Nelnet Campus Commerce for more information regarding payment plans.
Checks returned to Modesto Junior College for any reason may be considered as a non-payment of fees. MJC reserves the right to place a $25.00 fee, in addition to the original fee(s), on a student’s account for any check payment returned for any reason. Returned checks may result in the loss of the privilege to pay by check.
Any chargeback of card transactions paid to Modesto Junior College for any reason may be considered as a non-payment of fees. MJC reserves the right to place a $25.00 fee, in addition to the original fee(s), on a student’s account for any chargeback card transaction for any reason.
Each semester, students may choose to waive the optional Student Representation and/or Student Activity fees by submitting a completed Optional Fee Waiver Form. Students may waive fees only for semesters they are currently enrolled. Fees may not be waived for past terms.
MJC Financial Aid establishes (within Federal, State, and regional guidelines) modest budgets that reflect the average student's costs for a nine month period. Sample Expense Budgets are available at MJC Financial Aid - Cost of Attendance.