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Enrollment Calendars for Full Term Courses

Class related deadline dates may be found in Self-Service under section details or on your class rosters.

  • September 7, 2024 – Roster Certification Reminder
    • System generated email notices will be sent prior to the class census date advising you to drop students who were “no shows” or those who have stopped attending or are no longer participating.
  • September 8, 2024 – Deadline to drop students from roster without a “W”
    • Pursuant to ED Code §58004, students must be dropped prior to census day who were no shows or no longer participating. Drops must be done by 10:00pm.
  • September 9, 2024 – Census
    • Dropping on this date or after will result in a “W”
  • November 13, 2024 – Drop Roster Certification Reminder
    • System generated email notices will be sent prior to the class census date advising you to drop students who were “no shows” or those who have stopped attending or are no longer participating.
  • November 14, 2024 – Deadline to drop students from roster with a “W”.
    • Students whom you drop must be dropped with a “W” and the last date of attendance/participation. Drops must be done by 10:00pm.
  • December 9 – 14, 2024 – Finals Week
    • Final grades must be submitted within 72 hours.
  • December 17, 2024 – Final Grades Due
    • Final grades must be submitted within 72 hours.
  • January 25, 2025 – Roster Certification Reminder
    • System generated email notices will be sent prior to the class census date advising you to drop students who were “no shows” or those who have stopped attending or are no longer participating.
  • January 26, 2025 – Deadline to drop students from roster without a “W”
    • Pursuant to ED Code §58004, students must be dropped prior to census day who were no shows or no longer participating. Drops must be done by 10:00pm.
  • January 27, 2025 – Census
    • Dropping on this date or after will result in a “W”
  • April 6, 2025 – Drop Roster Certification Reminder
    • System generated email notices will be sent prior to the class census date advising you to drop students who were “no shows” or those who have stopped attending or are no longer participating.
  • April 7, 2025 – Deadline to drop students from roster with a “W”.
    • Students whom you drop must be dropped with a “W” and the last date of attendance/participation. Drops must be done by 10:00pm.
  • April 28 – May 3, 2025 – Finals Week
    • Final grades must be submitted within 72 hours.
  • May 6, 2025 – Final Grades Due
    • Final grades must be submitted within 72 hours.

FERPA is a federal law that protects the privacy of students and their educational records. FERPA stands for Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and is often called the Buckley Amendment. The law applies to all schools and colleges that receive funds administered by the U.S. Department of Education.

 FERPA guarantees rights to any individual who attends a postsecondary institution, whether that student is 13 or 53. 

As faculty, it is your responsibility to protect any educational record in your possession. An educational record is any record in your possession that can be directly related to a student and is maintained by a college or by a party acting on behalf of the college. Student educational records are considered confidential and may not be released without the written consent of the student.

The only information, under FERPA, that can be released without a student’s written consent is called “Directory information”.

Directory information at YCCD includes: student’s name, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams and high school of graduation for athletic team members, degrees and awards received, including honors, scholarship awards, athletic awards and President’s List recognition. 

To comply with FERPA, faculty must NOT:

  • Post grades in a public place or use any portion of a student’s social security number or a student’s ID number or their name.
  • Leave graded tests or graded assignments in a stack for students to pick up when students have to sort through the pile.
  • Circulate a printed class list with the student names and student ID numbers or grades as an attendance roster.
  • Discuss the progress of any student with anyone other than the student, including parents, unless the student has given you written consent to share the information.
  • Give anyone else a student’s class schedule for any purpose.

If you are ever in doubt, do not release any information until you contact the Director of Admissions & Records or the Dean of Enrollment Services.

References: Title 5, YCCD Board Policy 5040


Important things you should do before your class begins


Important information you should know while class is in session


End of term grading responsibilities


Faculty Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the timeline for students to add themselves to a course from the waitlist? When does the system stop prompting students to add from the waitlist?

A: Students can add from the waitlist prior to the start of the term. The system will stop notifying students on the waitlist 5 days prior to the start of the term.

Q: Once a student is notified that a seat has become available, how many days does the student have to add the course?

A: Students have 3 days to add the course before their permission expires. After 3 days the student is removed from the waitlist. If it’s prior to the start of the term, students may add themselves back to the waitlist, however, they may not receive the same rank.

Q: When is the last day a student can register for an open course?

A: Before the course starts. Once the course has started, the student will need a granted “add authorization” from the instructor. Students can register for the course via "add authorization" on the day the course begins.


Q: When can instructors begin granting “add authorization” to students? 

A: Prior to the start of the term, however students will NOT be able to register into the course until the first day of the course.

Q: When can students add through self-service, once the “add authorization” has been granted by the instructor? Is that the same with late start classes?

A: Students can act on their “add authorization” permission in Self-Service on the 1st day of the course. Yes, it is the same process for late start courses.

Q: How can I grant “add authorization” to a student who is not on the waitlist?

A: In Self-Service under the permission tab, you can search students by their student ID number without the “w” and leading zero. 

Q: Is there an automatic email that goes to students once faculty grant “add authorization” to a student?

A: Yes, the student will receive an email confirming that an “add authorization” has been granted and they can now register for the class in their student portal. The email does not include the course information.


Q: What is the exact window when faculty can begin to certify their rosters? Is the timeline the same for short-term classes or is it dependent on term length?

A: 5 days prior to census. Example: census is on 1/23/22 faculty have a 5-day window from 1/19-1/23 to certify their roster (20% of the length of the course).

Q: Can faculty certify their rosters more than once?

A: No. If you need to know if you have certified your roster, please check with the Division office.

Q: Can faculty drop students after they have certified their rosters, but before census?

A: Yes.

Q: Where should we properly drop a student from our rosters?

A: Under the drop roster tab in self-service. Note: for no show students you will mark the “never attended” option.   Enter the last day of attendance for students who stopped attending, but participated in your course.