The Carl Perkins Act, also commonly referred to as "CTE Perkins", is a federal act that supports resources for instructional programs and services for the success of students from "special populations" enrolled in Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs. Special populations include to students who are:
At the recommendation of the California Community College Board of Governors, the Governor and Legislature approved the Strong Workforce Program, adding a new annual recurring investment to spur Career Technical Education (CTE) in the nation’s largest workforce development system of 115 colleges. Strong Workforce Program funding aims to create more and better CTE - more enrollments, more completions, more students employed in their field of interest.
At Modesto Junior College, the application planning and submission process is due each academic year on the first Friday in December. Project applications funded begin their workplan in the upcoming academic year. Projects have up to 24 months to complete all expenditures and workplan activities.
Here, you will find information about the Carl Perkins Act and Strong Workforce funded investments and information on the campus application process.
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Date: October 30, 2024
Time: TBD
Date: November 1, 2024
Time: 10 am - 12 pm
Location: CAT 101
Date: TBD
Time: 10 am - 12 pm
Date: November 15, 2024
Time: 10 am - 12 pm
Location: CAT 101
Date: December 19, 2024
Time: 5:00 pm