MJC Roles and Responsibilities of Participatory Governance was adopted in academic year 2021-2022. With this new adoption, the Instruction Council has dissolved and the Faculty Hiring Prioritization Committee forms in its place under the purview of the Academic Senate.
1. SEM - Mathematics 1 (Replacement)
2. BSS - Ethnic Studies 1 (Other)
3. APH - Communication Studies (Replacement)
4. LAE - English (Replacement)
5. SEM - Mathematics 2 (Replacement)
6. BSS - Ethnic Studies 2 (Other)
7. HP - Medical Assisting (Other)
8. BC - Business Administration (Replacement)
9. KPHA - Women's Coach (Other)
10. KPHA - PT Assisting Pgm (Other)
11. KPHA - Men's Coach (Other)
12. BC - Business Administration (Other)
13. SEM - Innovation Center (Other)
1. LIB - Library (Replacement)