A partnership event is a non-fundraising event organized by an external organization
in alignment with the mission and strategic goals of the college and the District.
MJC may contribute resources to the partnership event in exchange for one or more
of the following: benefits for students, community engagement, and/or outreach.
Fundraising for external organizations is prohibited during partnership events.
Facility Use Fees may be waived for partnership events. Staffing fees or other resources
could be funded by internal stakeholders.
Partnership Events must be approved to ensure alignment with the mission and strategic
goals of Modesto Junior College.
Continue to Step 3
Follow procedures for How to Host an External Event (If partnership is awaiting approval please contact Event Planning Workgroup for status
after 14 days.)
Step 3: Has an approved Event Sponsor been assigned by a Dean?
Event Sponsor should contact partner organization within 5 business days of assignment to begin
Event planning and resource allocation should be in alignment with Partnership Guidelines.
Contact the MJC Foundation at (209) 575-6619 with any questions.
Allow 90 days to obtain an alcohol permit.
The MJC Event Sponsor should refer to and follow the Partnership Event/Activity Guidelines. Contact Events/Facilities Department to complete and provide the following forms