2024 Curriculum Committee
Marcos Garcia (Term End: SP 2025)
Claudia Puebla (Term End: FA 2026)
Kathleen Ennis (Term End: FA 2026)
Julie Haynes (Term End: SP 2026)
Kyle Beeman (Term End: FA 2026)
Kwei-Yu Chu (Term End: FA 2025)
Substitute for Kwei-Yu: Darren Combee
Leslie Collins (Term End: FA 2026)
Tiffany Ellington (Term End: FA 2026)
Mike Kersten (Term End: SP 2025)
Kerri Stephens (Term End: FA 2026)
Patricia Wall (Term End: FA 2025)
Bonnie Hunt (Term End: SP 2025)
Manuel Cunha (Term End: FA 2026)
Milan Motroni (Term End: SP 2026)
Rachel Finnegan (Term End: FA 2026)
Sarah Hawes (Term End: FA 2026)
Andrew Kranzman (Term End: FA 2025)
Jessica Brennan (Term End: SP 2025)
Wendy McClendon (Term End: FA 2025)
Erin Thompson (Term End: SP 2026)
Andrew Lazar (Term End: SP 2026)
Katherine Schroeder (Term End: SP 2027)
Aishah Saleh (Term End: SP 2025)
Substitute: Hans Hauselmann and Theresa Rojas
Sahib Dhindsa
Letitia Senechal (Term End: SP 2026 as Co-Chair)
Tina Akers-Porter (Term End: SP 2026 as Co-Chair)
Shirley Miranda Brenes (Term End: SP 2027)
Patrick Bettencourt
Substitute: Michael Smedshammer/Dean of Instruction and Student Learning
A college curriculum - its breadth and rigor of courses, requirements for degrees and certificates, and the pathways that attending students take to finish them - is what defines the educational quality of an institution. At this site faculty, staff, and administrators at Modesto Junior College can find resources to support the creation, ongoing review, and management of curriculum - courses, degrees, and certificates at MJC, in support of the MJC mission.
The Modesto Junior College Curriculum Committee reviews curriculum and academic policies to ensure compliance with Title 5 and California Education Code prior to recommendation to the District Governing Board for final approval. The committee also ensures that curriculum is sound, comprehensive, and responsive to the evolving needs of our students as well the academic, business, and local communities. Approved by the Curriculum Committee (11/18/14)