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Healthy Minds Study

Modesto Junior College Health Services has partnered with researchers at the University of Michigan to conduct the Healthy Minds Study (HMS) for MJC students 18+. The HMS is a voluntary survey, designed to provide data on the most effective means to invest in the mental health of college and university students. MJC participated in the HMS in Spring 2023 and is launching again in Spring 2025 to identify the needs and priorities of our student population, evaluate benchmarks against peer institutions, assess current programs and policies, plan for services and programs, and advocate for resources. 

The HMS is sponsored by the University of Michigan. The main Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the HMS is maintained under Advarra, a provider of IRB services in North America.

Spring 2025 Healthy Minds Study

Dates: March 24 to April 18, 2025

You’ll receive an email from MJC Health Services at in your student inbox on March 24, 2025, with a personalized link to the survey. The survey takes approximately 25-30 minutes to complete. Don’t worry if you can’t finish in one sitting—you can return to the survey at any time and pick up where you left off using your personalized link.

Prize giveaways for participating: $20, $100 and $250 gift cards, Airpods, iPads (128GB)

Topics Include:

  • Mood and emotions
  • Mental health and emotional issues you may have experienced
  • Physical health and lifestyle
  • Use of alcohol and other drugs
  • Support you may or may not have received
  • Academic life