Coming soon in 2025/2026 academic year...Wellness Center in Journalism 160 (East Campus). Stay tuned!
We exist to promote and foster student well-being and elevate student wellness as a critical ingredient in the pursuit of academic and personal achievement.
Our Wellness Center offers an integrated whole student approach to wellness in a collaborative, empowering, and supportive environment. At MJC, we recognize that wellness must be part of our campus and community culture in order for students to achieve and succeed. In our ongoing pursuit for equitable access to opportunity and support, our Wellness Center will offer our student community the resources, tools, and opportunities to build a strong foundation of wellness so that they might thrive in all life pursuits.
All students have the wellness resources and opportunities they need to pursue and maintain a thriving academic and personal life.
To create a safe and welcoming space where each person can explore their path to wellness, find community, and embrace a vibrant, fulfilling academic and personal life.
Care for the Whole Person: Wellness is a multidimensional: engaging the body and mind, nurturing the spirit.
Inclusivity: Wellness begins with one's ability to feel like they are safe, seen, and belong.
Dignity: We honor the worthiness of all people and approach our work with respect, empathy, and compassion regardless of who someone is or their life circumstances.
Learning: Learning is how we grow and wellness is a lifelong journey.
Community: Wellness happens in Community. Through meaningul connections we foster belonging, learning, and trust.
Impact: We are driven by the needs and lives of those we serve - striving to have real influence and impact in the lives of our students.